Time for a little homework readers! Sometimes we are so busy thinking about working our bodies out or play dates with the kids we forget one of the most important aspects of ourselves. Our mental state. Some times you just need to take a break and have a mental play date. Stimulate your senses with […]
Tag Archives: exercises
Another Recipe for Happiness, based on The Enchanted Self Way of Life!
Recipe for Enchantment #24 ————————————————– Take the advice of an 83 year old lady and follow it: Read more and dust less. Sit in the yard, admire the view. Weed less. Don’t ‘save’. Use your good China and crystal for every event–even getting your sink unstopped. Wear your good perfume for clerks in the hardware […]
The Enchanted Self and Magic Potions We Can All Mix That Work Perfectly!
When I talk about magic potions–an expression I use to add drama and fire to our cold winter days–I am really talking about individual mental health formulas designed for each person. These are available in various sizes, shapes and compositions. Just like the old fashioned pharmacy where the pharmacist got out his mortar and pestle […]
Recipe for Enchantment #20
Living a Life of Enchantment is Very Simple. You need to stir together and develop seven capacities that we all have: 1. You need to know yourself. 2. You need also to like yourself. 3. You need to meet your needs. 4. You need to build pleasure and replenishment into your life. 5. You need […]
Some Thoughts for Having Mental and Emotional Fun!
My dear friend and mentor, Mr. Del Sylvester used to say that if you become interested in anything, it will become interesting. I knew Mr Sylvester when I was a teenager. I don’t think I fully understood this concept then. Now I do. I see that if we bother to get interested in an activity […]
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, positive psychologist, discusses some of the core concepts of The Enchanted Self at Norwalk Community College, November 2008 at the annual Writer’s Conference
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The Pleasures of Making Grandma’s Memories My Own
Each season requires special behaviors and activities on our part to optimize for ourselves living a purposeful and happy life. We actually have to practice our positive emotions, just as the champion tennis player practices her swing. We have to try to use our mental capacities as fully as possible, our cognitive capacities for thought, […]
As you begin to recognize the positive states of well being from your childhool, i.e., THE ENCHANTED SELF, you can become a better expert at understanding what made them heightened joyful times. It may not be enough to remember a wonderful day that you spent. For instance, let’s imagine a wonderful day at the circus […]