The Seven Gateways to Enchantment

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein discusses The Seven Gateways to Enchantment. Click on the link below to subscribe using itunes. Email this • Add to • Digg This! The Enchanted Self, enchantement Happiness, Positive Psychology Recipes For Enchantment, The Truth Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via […]

Recipe for a Happy and Interesting Life

Tammy Faye prayed, " Please God, don’t let me have a boring life."  And she didn’t!  (l942-2007) May all of us be blessed with a life that is not boring!  And may it be worthwhile, fun and feel exactly right!  To know more about how to make your life the right fit for you, come […]

Listen to my Teleclass with Dr. Carol Kornmehl on Now what I have an Enchanted Self, how can I say Healthy?

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Now that I know I have an enchanted self how can I stay healthy. Click on the link below to subscribe using itunes. Email this • Add to • Digg This! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share this on […]

The hardest thing in the world to do is to be myself by Kathe

What follows is a wondeful poem and a real Recipe for Happiness that we all need to get back to,that Mary Ellen had in her latest newsletter, View on-line; TRUST by Kathe, North Vancouver, B.C., Canada The hardest thing in the world to dois to be myself. To listen to my answers firstto trust […]

Reclaiming Your Inner Know It All

I want to share a wonderful happening with all of you.  I have a new ‘penpal’ except in today’s world of technology she is a computer pal.  She lives in Australia and writes a wonderful column for  And the nicest thing of all, is that she wrote about my new book, THE TRUTH, I’m […]

Children, Friends and Pets Make Us Smile

"Children, friends and pets are more likely to make us smile than a big wad of cash, according to a new survey. The AC Nielsen survey, polled 1471 Australians to find out what made them smile. The saying that ‘money can’t buy happiness’ was confirmed in the survey which revealed 91 per cent of the […]