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- September 2007 Newsletter
- A New Enchanted Community
- Keep an Inventory
- THE TRUTH: I'm Ten, I'm Smart, and I Know Everything
- Comfort Foods -by Guest Author, Bernice Becker
- Nancy Drew and YOU and THE TRUTH
- Happiness, For Women
- Another Recipe for Happiness
- Recipe for Happiness: Personal Interests
- Finding Happiness: Share Your Strengths
- Easy Recipe for Happiness
- Looking for Small Miracles
- Recipe for Happiness and Self Esteem
- It's Time to Celebrate!
- Recipe for Happiness: Keep Up
- Letting The Sparks Fly
- Perfect Valentine
- PB & J
- A Special Announcement form Dr. Barbara
- Exciting News
- Enchantment on an Airplane
- Archives
Enchanted Articles
- A Happier Me, on -- Click here to read.
- The Enchanted Self on Sir Froggie's Positive News Network -- Click here to read
- Why "The Enchanted Self"
- Group Work-Enchantment Was All Around These Women
- The Continuing Experience of Enchantment
- Imagining a Wonderful World of Connection Optimistically!
- Positive Fingerprints and Shadow Prints of the mind
- Even a Banana Can Be A Miracle
- Bringing the Enchanted Self to the Public
- Where has all the Enchantment Gone
- Recipe for Enchantment - The Three R's:
- Remembering the Best, Restoring Yourself, Rapture
- Discovering Your Personal Treasure Chest
- A Good Story
- Qualities of Forgiveness: by Dr. Dorree Lynn
- Come Early Stay Late
- Smile for No Good Reason
- Magic Potions We All Need This Time of Year
- It's Never Too Late: Bernice Becker
- The Enchanted Self Visits New Orleans
- The Enchanted Self Visits New Orleans II
- An Old Love Returns
- A Special Treat
- Treasured Memories
- The Enchantment of Tribes
- Ah, Sweet Memories Part 1
- Ah, Sweet Memories Part 2
- Fairy Tales Can Come True
- The Enchanted Self
- Recipes for Enchantment 33
- Dreaming of Department Stores
- The Disenchanted Forest, The Enchanted..
- Birds Eye View of Enchantment
- Designing Life, We Each Get a Chance
Featured Quotes in Publications
THE CULTURE CRISIS ...The answer (to the pursuit of happiness for black women) says positive psychology expert Barbara Becker Holstein* is to discover and love your authentic self-a skill many black women may already possess.
"All women need genuine connections to themselves," says Becker-Holstein, who has dedicated her career to creating a positive psychology for women. "But society tries to break that connection early in life. In America, by age 13, girls are already getting external messages to copy celebrities and give up their little girl treasures. We've been defined as a second-class culture and had our self-esteem suppressed with messages about marrying men with money and valuing ourselves through our looks. To be truly happy, every woman needs a life that supports the inner voice that sustains her hopes and dreams."
.... (Mattie Miller) ....I learned to project happiness, and sometimes I think that helped me get it in return. I made a conscious decision to have a good life."
That determination, says Becker-Holstein, author of The Enchanted Self: A Positive Therapy, is an important part of building a happy life. "Be assertive, get an education, decide on a profession, protect yourself economically. Take responsibility for establishing the life you want."
"Look at the women in your family and see where you fit in. Are your dreams and accomplishments represented? If not, decide to claim your unique gifts and accept the importance of your own narrative," Becker-Holstein advises.
"Acknowledge, appreciate your strengths," Becker-Holstein says. "Count supportive friends, family and mentors among those gifts."
"Positive action and good deeds matter," Becker-Holstein says, "Forgive, be helpful, smile at people-it's all the more likely, as Miller learned, "that your happiness will be returned."
No matter where you are in life, "almost all of us are capable of being happy," Becker-Holstein continues, "if we can learn to truly bring pleasure, replenishment and self-care into our lives."
Bridal Guide - Mar/Apr 07
“One reason a bride may feel down is that for so long she has something to look forward to and then suddenly she doesn’t,” explains Barbara Becker-Holstein, Ed.D., a psychologist in Long Branch, New Jersey.
Woman's World - Aug 05