Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Offers Important Advice And Real Help To Self Published Authors

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Offers Important Advice And Real Help To Self Published Authors – http://ow.ly/FYtPS Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share this on sphinn Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell […]

Boredom, NO, Stimulation and Friendship, YES!

Do you know that there is a part of each of ourselves that needs adventure and daring. Boredom is not a healthy state.  We all need change and variety.  The question is how can we get changes in our lives without disrupting our personal apple cart or taking unnecessary risks?  Sometimes we are hampered by […]

Would You Invite Ants to Your Picnic?

Would you? I’m sure you would prefer not to! So my question to you is why would you invite into your life people that are unpleasant and/or not in your best interest?   Sometimes it happens because someone intimidates us. Sometimes we think someone is a wonderful addition to our lives and then as time […]

The Enchanted Aspects of a Woman’s Mind

A woman’s mind is like vibrational energy—it gets more energy or less, it works from one cognitive level or another, and it is surrounded by different tones and frequencies and feelings and smells and behaviors and dreams coming true! How wild. How wonderful that we find ourselves landing like fairies in a garden of people […]

Finding Joy after Relationships Fail

Maureen states,  “I didn’t want the book to end.  I want to find to what happens to the girl!”    Come and listen to this lively conversation about the psychology behind The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything). Archives: Finding Joy after Relationships Fail with Maureen Staiano – Contact Talk Radio Bookmark […]


We all need a sense of wonder and mystery in our lives. Sometimes a fast paced adventure movie or a good mystery read will satisfy that urge inside of ourselves.  But sometimes we need to reach into the past and see that all through the centuries people have reported strange phenomenon, and of course, even miracles.  Even […]

We Can’t Dance at Two Weddings!

This expression, We Can’t Dance at Two Weddings is simple yet elegant.  No one can truly do two things at once, even if both are wonderful and engaging.  All of life is deciding which is the road to take and which will be the road not taken.  And those of us who can be happy […]