I loved being on the Chaklet Coffee Books show. It is amazing how much fun we all had late at night! We got to discuss The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything) in detail, and so many related subjects about parenting, growing up, having a crush, etc. It was so delightful […]
Monthly Archives: December 2009
YES YOU CAN! That’s what Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Positive Psychologist, and author of The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything) shared at a Powerful YOU! meeting in Lakewood, N. J.
‘Life begets life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich.’ ~ Sarah Bernhard A great quote! Sarah Berhard gave of herself in her acting. I believe that we can all give of ourselves and become emotionally ‘richer’ through telling the stories of our lives and even more. Perhaps writing them, […]
Dr. Barbara is Quoted in the December 28, 2009 Edition of First Magazine!
In response to a family who puts together a holiday jigsaw puzzle and brings the old puzzles out of storage yearly, Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein says, “Participating in something supportive rather than competitive helps family members cement bonds. And looking at old pictures conjures positive memories.”
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Celebrates The Chinese Launch of The Truth
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