Monday Happiness for Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

This is my cool mirror. It’s a favorite quote of mine, that I found in the ‘bloom’ book (compendium)- “may you be truly blessed to always glitter with a radiance that shines from deep within you. Barbara Becker Holstein”. I got this mirror at Ikea, and Emily has a friend that has a vinyl cutting […]

Wow! So many of us went on Mystery Rides as Kids!

On July 5th, 2008 I’m the guest on The Puddle People Hour on BlogTalkRadio.  The two hosts are Beth Marino and Pam Sargant.  That show will be archived and available 24/7.  We pre-recorded the show tonight and of course talked quite a bit about my first book, THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy and my […]

Divorcing Daze, Laurie, interviews Positive Psychologist Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

Come and listen to the latest podcast on  I’m interviewed by Laurie and we discuss divorcing from a positive psychology perspective.  I share information about the Seven Gateways to Happiness and basic components necessary to handling stress and conflict when we are dealing with difficult situations.  And of course, we discuss the children also.   […]

Summer Enchanted Moments and Memories

It is one thing to have an Enchanted Moment.  (I fully discuss Enchanted Moments in my book, THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy.  We all need to experience them as often as possible.  An enchanted moment can be as simple as sitting on your porch, feeling content, watching the leaves rustle in the trees and […]

Women Power Talk Radio interviews Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein on The Enchanted Self   You have got to listen to my interview with Raven on Women Power Talk Radio at the above address.  Just scroll down and you will see the interview archived. We cover so many inspirational ways to apply ENCHANTED SELF methods to your life, today!  Raven is a remarkable woman.  She herself is a living example of an Enchanted […]

I saw ‘Sex and the City’

Well it finally happened.  A dear friend agreed to go with me to see Sex and the City and off we went.  The settings were great, the clothing was glamorous but best of all it was good to be back with Carrie, and her  friends.  I am not going to say much more about the movie, as […]

Mother and Daughter talk on “Kids, Tweens and Teens, A Positive Psychologist looks at all three” about The Truth, I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything

Robin and Rachel made my day on Monday.  They were my guests on my radio show, Kids Tweens and Teens on  We pre-recorded the show that will will air next Monday, June 9th at 4:30 PM EDT and then be archived 24/7.  What made the discussion so special was getting a chance to talk […]