Writing as a Positive Psychologist: Part 2

Let’s move ahead to the publication of THE TRUTH (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything.   How in the world as a psychologist as a psychologist and a writer, did I end up with my 4th book being fiction, designed for girls, tweens, teens, moms and women, and how does it dove-tail […]

Writing as a Positive Psychologist: Part 1

It is always interesting to learn about the writer behind the book. For example, I was delighted to find out that the passionate woman behind the memoir I am currently reading, Silver Pages on the Lawn, is well into her 90’s! Somehow that reassures me about my own aging. I was also delighted to find […]

Amazing Women of Power

Spring is in the air!  We are now entering Spring and so much has happened already.  I have been participating in radio shows with AWOP (Amazing Women of Power).  AWOP is under the umbrella of Raven International Media Productions as: “Amazing Women Power Talk 24.7 Radio Network.” I am thrilled to be a host on this station with […]

Sunny The Cat

I thought it would be such fun to put my cat on my lap and talk to him about the truth. After all, cats, like most or all animals, have an uncanny sense of the truth. They know if you don’t like them. They also often sense what is about to happen before it does, […]