What others are saying about Enchantment

Positively changing lives around the world …

“What wonderful, positive, encouraging information you give. I loved all that you had to say, especially the part about our past and capacities of memory. It was the few paragraphs I read that had me absolutely mesmerized. So simple but so true. Could it be that scene I’ve played over and over again in my head of when me and my twin sister were very little, playing outside on a warm summer day, when she spotted a butterfly on the neighbor’s property. She stood still for what seemed like hours, waiting for the beautiful creature to land on her outstretched hand. It did, Barbara! It made us giggle and made us so very happy. That’s what came to my mind when reading your article about positive memories. This memory always makes me so very happy. I have more, too!”

~ Patricia Citarella


“Your philosophy of positive psychology and metaphor of the Enchantress was unlike anything I have ever seen. When I am feeling discouraged I go to your website for an instant boost!”

~ Deborah Harper, Director, The-Bright-Side Professional Center


“Your books and your website bring out the playful girl, the imp within me, that I have named Impy. She came out of hiding and I feel happy. I needed her. I needed a way to bring to life again to the special parts of me that can have fun, be mischievous, be daring, full of life, and joyful. Your Seven Gateways to Enchantment gave me a frame, a way to wrap my mind around what you are teaching and to give myself permission to have fun and to take pleasure as an adult woman.”

~ Anne, California


“DELIGHT is a book you can’t put down once you pick it up. Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein’s voyage to spirituality is inspiring, and the warmth justified the rubric of Enchanted Self, as well as the title, Delight. This book is essential reading for anyone searching for self-fulfillment.”

~ Abraham J. Twerski, M.D.



In my response to your suggestion to create a fantasy vacation, my fantasy vacation would be to recreate two weeks I spent in Rehoboth Beach. The sun shone every day. But, unlike most of our two-week beach vacations, we had no reason to return to DC for a day or two; the girls were old enough so they didn’t need supervision. I lay in the sun, read books, when I got hot, all I had to do was jump in the water and cool off. At mid-day, to get out of the sun, I’d eat lunch and Bob and I would run or take our bikes into town. At 3 I’d be back on the beach with a book until 7. True leisure and relaxation-something I don’t get very much anymore.”

~ Sue


Your newsletter is so easy to read, love the format as always and it is clear to see everything. OVER THE TOP GORGEOUS NEWSLETTER!!!! Love the sparkling necklace too! Just wonderful presentation!!!! BRAVO!!!

~ Mary Ellen, “AngelScribe”


“Hello. In this month’s (March) Enchantment in an Email you talked about the importance of replenishment. I couldn’t agree more and I am happy to say that I found some!! I am a horse trainer and riding instructor and recently found myself forgetting how to have fun with my horses. I started thinking about how when I was a kid I felt so much joy just being with my horses. There was no need to “control” or “train” them, but as an adult and a professional trainer I have become caught up in these very concepts. So I decided to get back to the joy of things-it was time to let go of some of that control and just enjoy my horses again. I chose my most trustworthy mount, a gently soul named “Jesse and decided that I was going to go for a ride, BUT I was going to let the horse control everything about it! We have a large pasture that I used for this which helped me to stay safe, so I slipped a halter and lead rope on Jesse (couldn’t quite give up all control) and promised him I wouldn’t use it unless both our safety was in danger. Then I hopped on bareback like I did when I was a kid and away we went. Jesse was positively giddy at the total freedom I gave him. He trotted, loped, and danced a bit in playfulness but never did anything that unseated me. I just held on to his mane and decided to let him do whatever he felt. The result was a ride that ended with me in tears-tears of joy at the exhilaration I felt and the trust that my little horse had shown me he deserved. I have been trying to describe to people how that experience made me feel, but haven’t been able to quite put my finger on the right word until I read your March e-newsletter- I felt REPLENISHED. I have since taken two other “freedom” rides as I call them and all have been a gift! Thanks for helping us refocus on what’s really important- living life to the fullest.

~ Heather Kitching, Eagle Valley Equestrian


“I just wanted to thank you for your lovely holiday gift and inspirational newsletter. You have definitely changed my opinion of Psychologists.”

~ Joan Alyce Lugert