Heart & Soul Magazine, “What is Happy?” by Sharee Crute

WHAT IS HAPPY?  by Sharee Crute -October, November 2007  Heart & Soul  Magazine Let me share with you my quotes from this wonderful article on Happiness, appearing in October in Heart &Soul Magazine. THE CULTURE CRISIS …The answer (to the pursuit of happiness for black women) says positive psychology expert Barbara Becker Holstein* is to […]

Life better with dose of happiness

"…Falling in love with life is like falling in love with that one and only sweetheart. Life is that sweetheart. Spread that enthusiasm. It is never wasted. Be a world changer. Look on the bright side. Know you are a unique person with a special purpose in life. Each day is an opportunity to spread […]

Interesting People

What makes some people so interesting?  It’s their childlike vitality, sense of wonder, and their playfulness.  It’s the way they inhale life.  Anonymous May you get very good at inhaling life!    ~ Dr. Barbara Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share this on sphinn Share […]

A Blessing in a Tea Bag

My tea bag this morning simply said, "Keep up."  This short remark is a blessing in disguise.  When we can ‘keep up’ with our responsibilities, our health, our time for ourselves to relax and have fun, our income needs, then indeed we have been blessed. So I pass the blessing on to you.  May you […]

Treasures in One’s Home-Look to the Elderly

"A old woman in a house Is a treasure in a house." from the Talmud What a simple Recipe for Happiness, that so many of us no longer know how to cook up in our culture!  In order to achieve Happiness and what I call the Enchanted Self capacity, one must not throw away the […]