Favorite Blessing

May you always have the courage and heart to do good with or without clear reason. That way you never to wrestle with the traps of selfishness or greed! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share this on sphinn Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe […]


We all need a sense of wonder and mystery in our lives. Sometimes a fast paced adventure movie or a good mystery read will satisfy that urge inside of ourselves.  But sometimes we need to reach into the past and see that all through the centuries people have reported strange phenomenon, and of course, even miracles.  Even […]

Favorite Blessing

May you always find ways to give and take from life and others so that you continue to overflow with delight. Then you certainly will have the blessing of renewed energy, and you will be most satisfied with whatever you are able to do in you lifetime. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on […]

Favorite Blessing

Even after a bad night, may you always awaken to a world that reminds you by your first cup of coffee that you are loved and blessed with special gifts. My you realize by the time that you get into your car or Pokies do your first chore that your personal treasures never get old […]

Favorite Blessing

“May your memories always assist you in enjoying each day to the fullest as you layer your life with your own uniqueness of action, feelings hot xxx pics nipples braless pokies and other capacities for delight! Remember, each day has its own set of thoughts, words and deeds. Live in tune” …Rebbe Nachman of Breslov […]

The Power of Being Enchanted!

Listen to the Power of Being Enchanted. Thank you Zev Saftlas HGH of www.empoweringmessages.com for permission to post this to my blog. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share this on sphinn Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Print […]

The Pleasures of Making Grandma’s Memories My Own

Each season requires special behaviors and activities on our part to optimize for ourselves living a purposeful and happy life. We actually have to practice our positive emotions, just as the champion tennis player practices her swing. We have to try to use our mental capacities as fully as possible, our cognitive capacities for thought, […]