After doing case study research on women outside of my practice I became certain that women, and I am sure most men, have greater capacities to restore themselves and enjoy themselves, than previously documented. I also realized we are not given enough signals in our society to help us feel positive about ourselves, or to recognize […]
Category Archives: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
Weekly Blessing
“May you always be at home when you are home and never online pokies feel the pain of being a stray!” ~ Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share this on sphinn Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments […]
The Girl in The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything) shares her secret entry about Valentine’s Day!
February 14 Today was Valentine’s Day. I was so worried. Valentine’s Day is almost the worst day of the year for me. That’s because the day can be terrible. There is nothing worse in the world than not getting enough Valentine’s in class. And being in love makes it even worse. All I could think […]
What Does Valentine’s Day Mean to You?
Valentine’s Day is coming up. What does that mean to you? I have found that as a psychologist I hear many different reactions to Valentine’s Day. Some women love the day. Usually they are women with a significant other than remembers special days, like birthdays. Some women hate the day. Sometimes they have a partner […]
Dr. Holstein talks about ‘Staying Upbeat in a Down Economy’ on on Jan. 29, 2009
Stacy Baker interviewed me for a major article on on Staying Upbeat in a Down Economy. Here is the first point I made in the article: 1. Do a self-check. When your financial state hits rock bottom, so can your self-esteem, outlook and mood, says Holstein. This is the ideal time to evaluate […]
I’ve been quoted in Family Circle Magazine
February 2009, Family Circle Magazine Above It All by Meredith Janson (pg 124) Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein says in the last paragraph: Stress Less Do a good deed……”an everyday quick good deed can also be a powerful tool by taking the focus off you own problems,” says clinical psychologist Barbara Becker Holstein. Send an encouraging e-card […]
Four Great Personal Accomplishments That can come out of conquering worry about Financial Loss!
I’ve been talking about the 7 Pointers to remember if you are dealing with anxiety and worry around financial loss, be it job loss, loss of home and/or retirement funds. In my last post I talked about the first three Pointers for Surviving the Worry and Anxiety of Financial Loss. Before I continue with the […]
Worrying about Financial Loss? Seven Pointers to Still Sleep at Night and Be Happy
Lots of people are worried in today’s economy. Some are faced with actual loss of jobs and/or houses, or retirements, while others are trembling about what might happen. None of this makes for restful sleep or an upbeat demeanor, nor feelings of hope and optimism, let alone feeling ‘happy’. So as a positive psychologist who […]