What Does Valentine’s Day Mean to You?

Valentine’s Day is coming up.  What does that mean to you?

I have found that as a psychologist I hear many different

reactions to Valentine’s Day.  Some women love the day. 

Usually they are women with a significant other than remembers

special days, like birthdays.  Some women hate the day.

Sometimes they have a partner but other times they don’t

and see the day as potentially lonely.  And still other women

like Christine Arylo of www.letsgirltalk.com have found

fabulous ways to help women fall in love with themselves

and party it up good on Valentine’s Day, whether there is a Online Pokies

significant other in sight or not. 

The Girl in The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything)

is also fascinated with Valentine’s Day.  Actually, her entries

about the holiday are so secret they are not even in the first

book of The Truth Series.  They are hidden way back in the

back of her closet in an old math notebook that is really

one of her other ‘secret’ diaries.   I don’t know how many

of you remember but on this blog I shared one of her

Valentine entries.  For those who missed it, here it is again:

Posted in Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, The Truth, I'm a girl, I'm smart and I know everything, Valentine's Day.