I’m Dreaming of Sex and the City!

It is 10:30 PM.  If I am lucky, at 11:30 I'll get to see a re-run of Sex and the City.  It might be from early in the show, or maybe from the middle of the series, or toward the end.  I won't know until it starts.  And I won't even care.  I can go backward and forward in time with the girls and I'm not confused at all.  It actually doesn't seem to matter.  Whereever they are at, I'm at also.  I never saw the series when it was on.  It is only in the last year that I discovered Carrie and her friends.  Many a mediocre day has improved as the clock moved toward midnight because of them.  I'm a positive psychologist and I am determined to figure out why I am so happy when I watch that show.  Let's talk about this subject.  Who else is happy watching the reruns?  Who else can't wait to buy the movie?  I'll be back!!! Got to move fast now on some other chores so I'll be ready to enjoy at 11:30!  Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, www.enchantedself.com

Posted in Recipe For Happiness.