Getting to The Truth and More!

I’m excited this week to share with you my podcast about The Truth, my new book. As some of you may know, The Truth has already appeared in two editions, one for women and one for girls and mom’s. While I was waiting for the edition for kids and moms to come out, I asked some guests to discuss the impact of The Truth. The guests included a 10 year old girl, Caitlin, as well as a psychologist, Dr. Lucinda Seares and a well-known expert in developing human potential, Thor the Barbarian. The show is fascinating as they all chime in to talk to each other and process THE TRUTH. Come on in and listen. You can download the show or if take it with you in your ipod. Let me know your thoughts after you hear it!

And don’t forget to get a copy of The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything) on Amazon.  Let me know what day you bought the book on Amazon and I’ll send you a free Truth necklace.  Don’t forget to send me your mailing address! 

Right click here and choose “Save Target As..” to Download the Mp3

Posted in Dr. Holstein's Podcast Archives, The Truth, I'm a girl, I'm smart and I know everything, Weekly Podcast and tagged , , , , .