Recipe for Enchantment - Ideas for going away (and coming back)
by Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

1. Walk outside and look around at the sky, the flowers, and passersby. Take three deep breaths and remind yourself about one special positive trait you have. 

2. Keep a pile of your favorite photographs, beautiful clippings from

magazines, or some favorite fragrances in your pocketbook or desk. Take several minutes and enjoy your private stash. Before you go back "in" remind yourself of one of the nicest things that has ever happened to you.

3. Walk very slowly, breathing deeply as you walk. Repeat a positive word or expression as you do this, such as "the world is a lovely place" or "it feels good to love".

Remember to customize your "leaving to come back" to be uniquely yours. What may give me pleasure and a sense of escape might be meaningless to you. That's why I only offer ideas. You are the inventor of your personal escape hatch! Have fun and come back refreshed! Please feel free to share your escape plan with us by writing to me at

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, a positive psychologist, teaches people how to enhance their lives--and consequently live lives of meaning and joy--by reclaiming what is positive about themselves. This is different from the traditional psychotherapeutic model because it is a paradigm shift designed to help us focus on our strengths rather than our disabilities and our weaknesses. The treatment model teaches both the clinician and the client how to look for purpose and a sense of well-being in daily living. She calls this process The Enchanted Self, A State of Well Being, Joy, and Happiness. Visit her website at To join The Enchanted Self E-group, click here. To subscribe to The Enchanted Self Monthly E-newsletter, click here.

THE ENCHANTED SELF® is a registered trademark of Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein.

Copyright (c) 2003 Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein