Worrying about Financial Loss? Seven Pointers to Still Sleep at Night and Be Happy

Lots of people are worried in today’s economy.  Some are faced with actual loss of jobs and/or houses, or retirements, while others are trembling about what might happen.  None of this makes for restful sleep or an upbeat demeanor, nor feelings of hope and optimism, let alone feeling ‘happy’.  So as a positive psychologist who has seen many people weather all sorts of ups and downs over 30 years of my clinical practice, I would like to share 7 pointers that can help you sleep at night and remain in a good mood.

First: Believe it or not, this is a time of reconfirming your talents, strengthe and even lost potential. Sometimes we need more than a gentle reminder to take the time to review our lives and ourselves. Now may be your time. What are your real interests?  Your talents?  Your coping skills?  What are your potential capacities, even if you have not fully developed them yet?  This is the time to get paper and sit and make notes about the ‘real’ you.  You may be very surprised at what you discover.

The second pointer is to Play With Your List and See Where You Can Re-invent Yourself.   What is on your personal list that can be used now or in the future?  Perhaps your current job doesn’t even use a  lot of your talents or tap into your potential.  What kind of job would?  Would it require more education?  Would it require working for others or branching out on your own?  What are you learning about yourself that can become part of a new blueprint for your own future?  Remember, we are exploring the richest terrain you will ever discover.  And it is YOU! There are definately diamonds there.  Just like diamonds have to be polished, don’t expect a new YOU to just emege, yes it will take work.  But work is good for us!  This just happens to be personal, intimate work rather than a job.

On to Pointer #3.  What will you need to do or what resources will you need to find to begin to make some of the parts of yourself that you have now rediscovered become active and available?  Will you need more education?  Do you need some mental health care at this juncture in your life?  Do you need a career counselor?  Do you need to write a a new resume?  Do you need to share your ideas with a good friend?  A spouse?  You must be the judge here.  But this is one of the most important pointers to face and handle.  Action is always required when we are facing adversity.  Sometimes it is internal mental action, sometimes it is external action, sometimes both.  Get ready for action!

Stay tuned for the other 4 pointers.

Posted in Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, happiness, Positive Psychology, Positive Psychology for Women, Positive use of Memory, Women's Happiness, Worry and tagged , , , , , , , , .