More on Happiness

Today, I was reading on line an article written by Mary in Nigeria, for a newspaper, .  She commented on many aspects of happiness but what struck me most was the following:

"Children are experts in happiness more than adults.

Any adult who can carry the spirit of a child into the middle age or old age is a genius, for he will preserve the truly happy spirit God endowed in the young."

I agree with Mary.  Today we were visiting my grandchildren.  It was late in the afternoon and tempers were a little frayed, as well as we were all tired.  But the children knew how to be happy!  They simply set up a pretend wedding hall and married themselves to each other and then still all excited play-acting weddings, the dolls were wed.  It was lovely and very festive!  They danced around the room, we clapped and enjoyed and the children had once again reminded us how simple Happiness can really be!  Sometimes you just have to allow yourself to BE.

What do you think?  Dr. Barbara Becker Hosltein,

Posted in Positive Psychology.

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