Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein shares how The Enchanted Self’s use of Positive Memories relates to even food! Peanut Butter: We All Love It!

Lots of memories, even from the very distant past, are charming and heartwarming. Here is a memory that many of us can resonate to: eating peanut butter sandwiches. I was surprised and delighted to hear on public radio that in New York City there lurks a small restaurant devoted to the nostalgia and experience of peanut butter sandwiches. The two favorite at the restaurant are a peanut butter sandwich dripping Viagra Online with honey with sliced bananas inside, and a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich with peanut butter. I thought as I listened to the report that this was such a charming idea for a restaurant. People can come together in one place where everyone is not only enjoying the food but also have a reverie into his or her own past as sandwiches are devoured. What is your favorite food memory?

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