We all need a sense of wonder and mystery in our lives. Sometimes a fast paced adventure movie or a good mystery read will satisfy that urge inside of ourselves.  But sometimes we need to reach into the past and see that all through the centuries people have reported strange phenomenon, and of course, even miracles.  Even […]

Recipe for Enchantment!*

If I want my dreams to come true, I mustn’t oversleep. Of all the things I wear, my expression is the most important. The best vitamin for making friends…. B1. The happiness of my life depends on the quality of my thoughts. The heaviest thing I can carry is a grudge. One thing I can […]

Tang Wei speaks the language of THE ENCHANTED SELF

In the August Vogue, 2007 Caroline Palmer interviewed Tang Wei.  Here is a quote from that article, "A self-professed tomboy, Tang says adopting a higher profile has been a seamless adjustment.  "there is an old saying in China: Each year, we grow more branches and show more leaves, but our trunk remains unchanged.  Who we […]

Taking Charge of Our Own Enchantment

Taking Charge of Our Own Enchantment Have you heard the story about the man who brought peanut butter sandwiches to work everyday? He was always complaining. He hated peanut butter sandwiches he would tell his co-workers. "I’m so tired of peanut butter sandwiches. And the white bread is always too soft." "Oh, no! Here it […]

You Hear The Sound of Water….

"You hear the sound of water and you know where you want to be." Rumi Yes, the above is a simple Recipe for Enchantment.  We are all able to be triggered into pleasant memories that then can send us on to a joyful mini-vactation of the mind, if we let the memories do their job.  […]

Recipe for Summer Happiness

When I had the paper version of THE ENCHANTED SELF newsletter we would run a column called, "My spirit Soars When…."  We had some lovely entries.  Here are several I found on a scrap of paper the other day: "My spirit soars when the sea wind ruffles my long skirt ias I skip in the […]