Q: Barbara, tell us what THE ENCHANTED SELF® is and how it ties into women, most particularly to women in the business world. (The full interview of which this is one part, can be read on www.fodreams.com  A: Well, Deb, that’s certainly an all encompassing question! Let me start by breaking my answer up into […]

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein quoted in the October/November issue of Heart and Soul Magazine

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, a nationally known positive psychologist, is quoted in the October/November 2007 issue of Heart and Soul magazine. The article, titled “What is Happy?”, discusses seven ways to happiness, with quotes by Dr. Holstein throughout. A few of the quotes: THE CULTURE CRISIS…The answer (to the pursuit of happiness for black women), […]


Bird’s Eye View of THE ENCHANTED SELF and what it means to YOU! – Part 1 by: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein The Rebbe Nachman of Breslow often said, “Always remember-Joy is not merely incidental to your spiritual quest. It is vital.” As the years have gone by and I’ve been in the practice of psychology […]

Where’s Your Head? Think-Fabulous!

8. What makes you happy? Review your life for times when you absolutely had a ball, says positive psychologist Barbara Becker Holstein, Ed.D. Maybe you were four and rolling down a hill. Or you were 25 and laughing with friends so hard you cried. Or was it yesterday building a snowman with your grandchild? Reinvent […]

Recognizing Early Potential-We All Have Some!

Today on the TODAY SHOW, November 12, 2007, Meredith Vieira mentioned that, "I played Jack’s very well," as a child.  This may sound silly but from the point of view of THE ENCHANTED SELF Positive Psychology, this is very important information.  Within this kind of self knowledge lies not only old information about oneself, both […]

More About The Enchanted Self, A Positive Therapy

It has been commonly known in the mental health field that in order to achieve good mental health a person needs self esteem. However, what has not been stressed adequately is the importance of our memories. Often memories are encouraged that help us recall what has not worked in our life, what was dysfunctional or […]

Coping as a Tool For Happiness

Coping as a Tool of Enchantment -Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Many of my readers write to me about the tensions of everyday life. Not only do people wonder how to relax, but people often ask, “How do I learn to better cope with what faces me? Can THE ENCHANTED SELF help with the overwhelming frenzy […]