Today I’m celebrating THE ENCHANTED SELF world of potential and reality.  When I first wrote THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy, I never dreamed I would be writing more and more books.  I never thought that my articles would be on hundreds of websites and that people could even learn my Gateways To Happiness by […]

“The Secret”book- Many Recipes For Happiness

Here’s a quote from the sensational new book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.  She states on page 118, "Many people have sacrificed themselves for others, thinking when they sacrifice themselves that are being a good person.  Wrong! To sacrifice yourself cn only come from thoughts of absolute lack, because it is saying, ‘There is not […]

Positive Feedback, We all need it!

I received an e-mail recently thanking me for my daily Blessings.  The woman wrote they made such a difference in her life, and actually helped her to start her day.  I was thrilled to get this feedback, yet like most people who attempt to do good in the world, I was a little surprised.  Although […]

Recipe for Happiness and Self-Esteem

Today driving by a public school I saw a sign on the bulletin board that said approximately the following:  Children are our treasures in our art gallery.  I thought this was a lovely saying.  And indeed when adults do treasure their children self-esteem has a chance to really develop and flourish.  What is more exquisite […]

Reciipe For Happiness

http://www.readthehook.com/stories/2007/02/01/brazen-happiness-C.doc.aspx#comments Dear Folks, At the above address you will find an interesting article about Happiness and how we respond to various settings.  For example, what if we work in an environment that pulls us down all the time?  How can we stay happy?  Here is one Recipe for Happiness: Take some time to list your […]

Finding Happiness

Dear Folks,  I was looking at my Yogi tea, tea bag this morning and reading the tag.  It said, "Share your strengths, not your weaknesses."  What a wonderful saying.  In many ways that comment is the essence of THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy.  I teach that to find and sustain happiness we need to […]

The Gift of Daily Happiness

Dear Folks,  For the last five days I’ve been at Reed’s Landing in Springfield, Massachusetts where my mother, Bernice Becker, author of Feel Good Stories , www.storiestofeelgood.com lives.  I sat with a man at dinner who said that he wakes up happy and stays happy the whole day.  What do you think of that?  For […]

New Year’s Recipe for Enchantment

Hi Everyone!  I thought you might enjoy an Enchanted Self Blessing today! I will look in the mirror and see a person worthy of my respect and admiration. This capable person looking back at me is someone I enjoy spending time with and someone I would like to get to know better. I will take […]