Easy Recipe for Happiness

Dear Folks,   A friend of mine was mentioning that when her mother-in-law visited many years ago, she took the little girls out in the carriage for a walk.  Being a friendly person, she naturally talked to strangers.  On this day, she began to talk to a neighbor who looked a little tense.  It turned out […]

Recipe for Happiness

Once again I was looking at my teabag quotes.  The other day my Yogi tea simply said, "Keep Up".  I thought that was a wonderful simple Recipe for Happiness. If we can keep up with whatever is important at each stage of life than we have a chance to live that stage to the fullest.  […]

Another Recipe for Happiness

I noticed that Donna in a post at http://www.matchdoctor.com/blog_31852/Early_morning_ramblings_the_simple_things.htmlte wrote such a lovely list of what brings her happiness.  She didn’t call it a Recipe for Happiness, but indeed it is!  Enjoy her list, read it as a sample Recipe for Happiness and then see if you can come up with your own Recipe!  "There […]

Reciipe For Happiness

http://www.readthehook.com/stories/2007/02/01/brazen-happiness-C.doc.aspx#comments Dear Folks, At the above address you will find an interesting article about Happiness and how we respond to various settings.  For example, what if we work in an environment that pulls us down all the time?  How can we stay happy?  Here is one Recipe for Happiness: Take some time to list your […]